

Our certification program aligns with national standards for doula certification.

We have the additional benefit of a local mentoring program, continuing education opportunities, and community resources preparing us for and providing us with the most professional and truly prepared birth workers.

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Postpartum and Birth Doula Trainings:

Buffalo N.Y.

Postpartum: January 6-8 Buffalo, N.Y.

Birth: September 9-11 Buffalo, N.Y.

October 14-16 San Antonio, Texas

BDC Training Spring 2018

Birth Workshop 2022

September 9-11th Buffalo October 14-16 San Antonio

Our Birth doula workshop is a comprehensive 3-day doula training designed for both the new doula just starting a practice and the experienced doula looking for additional support. This birth doula class offers an understanding of pregnancy and birth anatomy and focuses on the special role of the doula during this process. This is a hands-on participatory workshop which requires some pre-reading of materials.

Your doula training is a first step towards doula certification. Once the requirements are met, you will be certified with Life Cycle Doulas. This doula training program aligns with national standards for certification and also includes additional local resources for professional support, continuing education, and an optional mentoring program.

*What is a doula? What is our role with families and caregivers?
*The significance of birth in women’s lives
*How does a doula affect a woman’s birth?
*How do we work with the birthing community, OB/GYN, and midwives?
*Doulas role – with families and caregivers
*understanding of physiology and anatomy of birth
*understanding of labor progress
*Labor support- emotional and physical
*Comfort measures for birth and postpartum
*the doula’s role, scope of practice, professional ethics, and standards of practice
*the role of a doula in difficult situations like trauma or loss
*what it is to be a doula vs. labor coach vs. friend
*communication skills
*interviewing, contracts, and business development
*the doula’s role as an advocate, offering choice, not advice or judgment
*prenatal visits with clients and how to conduct them
*providing emotional support, including culturally-sensitive support
*newborn care and protecting the postpartum period *breastfeeding support
*hearing your client’s birth story
*Working as a doula in the unique setting WNY has for birth: home, hospitals, and birth center
*Current medical birth practices
*Doula business aspects and professionalism
*Certification process for Life Cycle Doulas (LCD)

There are some pre-reading requirements before attending the workshop.

Postpartum Workshop

January 6-8 Buffalo

BDC Training Fall 2017

This 20-hour postpartum workshop is the first step towards certification as a postpartum doula. Our training aligns with national standards for postpartum doula certification and includes additional resources, professional support, continuing education opportunities, and an optional mentoring program.

This is a hands-on participatory workshop which requires some pre-reading.


*What is a doula? What is our role with families and caregivers?
*The significance of the postpartum period
*How does a doula support postpartum
*Comfort measures for postpartum
*the doula’s role, scope of practice, professional ethics, and standards of practice
*the role of a doula in difficult situations like trauma or loss
*what it is to be a doula vs. friend
*communication skills
*interviewing, paperwork, and how to get hired
*the doula’s role as an advocate, offering choice, not advice or judgment
*prenatal visits with clients and how to conduct them
*providing emotional support, including culturally-sensitive support
*newborn care and protecting the postpartum period *breastfeeding support
*hearing your client’s birth story and emotionally supporting postpartum *understanding of postpartum disorders
*swaddling, comforting touch and understanding infant needs
*Doula business aspects and professionalism

*WNY Doula Support meetings are offered bi-monthly and are open to the public*

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